You will forget me when I’m gone

Despite your protests and your sincere attempts not to

You will forget me when I’m gone

Why should you remember me like you did when I was alive

Why should I frequently pop into your consciousness

I’ve lost my voice and my body has disintegrated

My phone lies unanswered as my number is uncalled

My profile page stays stagnant as it is no longer updated

My clothes and shoes have dispersed

My car passed down or sold

My offices and positions occupied by another

So why will you remember me?

Because you love me you say

Because you hate me some others may say

I admit the former will remember me long

At least significantly four times a year after four years or so

As the frequency diminishes from every day to every week to every fortnight to…..

Stimulating smiles and silent tears as the ache diminishes

Although love never dies, the dead die, and the living live…

Life is for the living they rightly say

It is about new experiences every day

New impacts every day

New irritations, pleasures and higher levels of arrogance or humility

Which only the living can exhibit

The dead have run their race

Their footprints etched in the sands of time

Their pictures and videos buried atop new ones of the living

Eventually forgotten by many

Which is why I say you will forget me when I’m gone….

Gone with my potential, fulfilled or unfulfilled

Gone with words spoken and unspoken

Gone with secrets hidden which may or may never be exposed

Gone to the other sphere where mysteries are solved

As I wait to see if there is indeed judgment, elevation and condemnation

Realization of which will bring tears if the dead do cry

Tears of joy or pain

I will be forgotten in eternity by many of those left behind

Forgotten like the many who went before me

Even Jesus is forgotten by those who know him in the midst of sin

Although major impact and eternal literature keep him alive

But the impact of the above average Joe like me is less

And the books are not always printed for all to read and pass along

Staying power of up to a hundred years hard to achieve

Eventually forgotten as dust covers, water washes, rubble distorts and aging erase my prints……

I will be forgotten even by many who teared up on the news of my passing

They are not hypocrites and the tears are not reptile in nature

The emotion is genuine and the love is real

The pain is deep and I will be missed

But alas I will be eventually forgotten

Because time heals wounds

Because the clock keeps on ticking

Because they have their own race to run

Because that’s just the way it is

I’m not hurt that I will be forgotten

I can’t blame anyone for forgetting me

I will not beg to be remembered

Because I know I will be remembered just as I will be forgotten

All I hope is that when I’m thought of

I will be remembered of for good and with a smile

Before I slip into the recesses of your mind

To make occasional reappearances

Until we meet again to remember each other frequently

And be eventually forgotten by the world we have departed from

As we rest in the peace of eternity

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3 Responses to FORGOTTEN

  1. Kikelomo Ogunlela Anunobi says:

    Your children will never forget…Never. My Dad passed away in 1995, 23+ years ago..I have taken him with me for the last 23 years..He’s the first person I think of when I know I would have made him proud, I think of him when the road is rough.

    I think of him when I call my mum, thinking I would have been calling him too. I think of him when I look at my son and my nephews and nieces, knowing how much he would have loved them

    . I remember always how much he loved me. I remember his kindness to all, his generosit, what a good kind Physician he was.. how proud he would have been I became a Physician.

    My Father has been gone 23 years but not a day passes that I do not think of him in some way or that I’m not reminded of him.

    You will not be forgotten.


    • femomololu says:

      Indeed, a lot of people will not be forgotten. The story actually says that but mainly expresses the reality of our existence. How often do we think of some loved ones while they are alive? The trappings of daily living push them to the back of our minds. After departure from earth, we hold on to the memories and bring them to the fore less frequently over time (like you said) but we move on and mourn less.

      However a time will come when we will all most likely be forgotten……like our great, great, great grandfathers, who no one living today remembers.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree We should never let familiarity an the hustle of everyday life make us forget those we care about when they are still with us.


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